10-12 Courses » English Studies 12

English Studies 12


The aim of English Studies 12 is to provide students with the opportunity to study a variety of texts – including literature, media, film, and non-fiction for pleasure and so that enduring understandings of oneself, one’s community, and the world might be achieved. Critical thinking and reflection expressed through both written and spoken forms will be used to develop, synthesize, and clarify ideas.


English Studies 12 will enable students to:

  • Collect, refine, and use evidence to explain and support personal and critical responses, analyses, and interpretations of texts.
  • Select and apply strategies to construct, monitor, extend, and confirm meaning before, during, and after listening, reading, and viewing and to consider author’s craft.
  • Select and apply strategies to develop, organize, revise, and publish written, visual, and oral communications.
  • Use the features, structures, patterns, and context language to make meaning from what is heard, read, and viewed to appreciate the author’s craft.
  • Interact with others to explore, understand, and create ideas and texts and deepen understanding.
  • Select and read a variety of texts for enjoyment and to increase fluency.
  • Listen, read, and view literary, information, and visual texts to comprehend, analyze, and synthesize ideas, attending to bias, perspectives, voice, context, author’s logic, quality of evidence, enjoyment and to increase fluency.
  • Create personal and critical oral and written communications and representations with clearly developed ideas that connect experiences, ideas, opinions, and feelings.
  • Represent information in persuasive, narrative, poetic, and descriptive texts to communicate and critique ideas and information with a clear purpose and form
Senior English Learning Outcomes:


  • Demonstrate their understanding of visual communications.
  • Identify connections between their own ideas, experiences, and knowledge as well as a variety of literacy and mass media examples and draw reasoned conclusions from the information.
  • Apply their knowledge of standard English usage.
  • Work under the guidance of the course teacher to use technology to generate, gather and organize information and ideas. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of forms and styles of communication.
  • Will use language to interact and collaborate with others to explore ideas and to accomplish goals.


Course Topics: 

Unit 1: ​ The Basics

Unit 2: Communication

Unit 3: Independent Novel Study

Unit 4: Personal and Cultural Identity

Unit 5: Personal and Social Responsibility

Unit 6: Creative and Critical Thinking


Course Grading: 

Introductory Unit – 5%

Unit Assignments – 60%

Quizzes – 20%
Final Exam – 15%



Students will read course information on and through the Moodle course page. Students will need to select an independent novel.


Student Responsibilities:

  • To complete all assignments to the best of their ability (partially completed assignments will not be accepted)
  • To complete assignments in the order in which they are assigned, unless given written instruction otherwise
  • To review the feedback given on assessed assignments and complete corrections as required
  •  To maintain regular contact with teachers
  •  To work within mutually agreed upon time frames
  •  To ask for help and clarification when needed
English Studies 12 is a course that is required for graduation in British Columbia. A complete list of prescribed learning outcomes for this course can be found at the Ministry of BC website: ​English Studies 12 Learning Outcomes