10-12 Courses » Science 10

Science 10


Course Outline:

Science 10 explores big ideas in science such as genetics, chemical processes, energy and the universe.


Course Topics:

Unit 1 - Biology

Unit 2 - Chemistry

Unit 3 - Physics

Unit 4 - Earth Science


Course Grading:

Learning Guides - 20%

Unit Tests and Final Exam - 30%

Unit Projects - 30%

Quizzes - 20%


Learning Guides:

Before you write a unit exam, you must send me the Learning Guide leading up to the exam. All submissions MUST be laid out in a neatly, well organized manner. If you can’t figure out a question, you should be researching it, then asking for help.



Projects allow you to make some choices on how you wish to enhance your understanding and apply knowledge. As you work through units look for projects that will enhance your understanding in areas or interest and/or weakness. Make sure to consult with me about the projects.


Exam Supervision:

All end of unit exams are “closed book” and require supervision with a Sea to Sky Online teacher.



No textbook is required for this course


Keys to Success: 

  1. Actively work through each lesson, trying examples and reflecting on material. 
  2. Use the Learning Guide as your tool for documenting your understanding. Lay it out in a neatly, well organized manner. 
  3. Make sure you understand any quiz/exam question you get wrong. If you can’t figure it out – ASK!
  4. Be sure to use your Moodle message system for regular communication with your instructor.