10-12 Courses » Science for Citizens 11

Science for Citizens 11


Course Outline:

Science for Citizens 11 prepares students for science in the work place and focuses on real-world, practical applications of science.

The course focuses on helping students build skills around three big ideas: scientific processes and knowledge impact our daily lives and decisions; how scientific technology and knowledge is used in the workplace; and an understanding of science that enables us, as citizens, to respond and adapt to change on a local and global level.


Course Topics:

Unit 1 - Health and Nutrition

Unit 2 - Science at Home

Unit 3 - Science at Work

Unit 4 - Weather and Climate

Unit 5 - Sustainability

Unit 6 - Forensic Science


Course Grading:

Learning Guides - 30%

Projects - 40%

Tests - 30%


Learning Guides:

Before you write a unit test, you must send me your project and learning guide. All submissions MUST be very neat and well organized. If you can’t figure out a question, you should be researching it, then asking for help. 



Projects allow you to make some choices on how you wish to enhance your understanding. As you work through units look for projects that will enhance your understanding in areas or interest and/or weakness. 


Test Supervision:

All tests are “closed book” and require supervision. If you are unable to access a local school to write your exams, you will need to find a teacher that will supervise your exams. Please have them e-mail me and I will send them the required information 



No textbook is required for this course 


Keys to Success: 

  1. Actively work through each lesson, trying examples and reflecting on material. 
  2. Use the Learning Guide as your tool for documenting your understanding. Lay it out neatly and in a well organized manner. 
  3. Make sure you understand any test question you get wrong. If you can’t figure it out – ASK! 
  4. Be sure to use your Moodle message system for regular communication with your instructor.